last refuge

2131 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel (including Daily Mail journalists)

You don't care what I say today, all you care about is the football. Indeed: come on Eng-er-land. I reflect briefly on the soccer, then cover Mrs May's Brexit sell out, why I'm not voting for the party of the useless and treacherous old hag again, and finally discuss the idea that British companies should not be bought by "dirty foreigner", ref Inmarsat (ISAT). I cover Optibiotix (OPTI) en passant and am glad that thanks to the incredible generosity of Nick Leslau, myself and Brokerman Dan have now raised £13,000 - 65% of our target - for Woodlarks ahead of the 28 July charity walk. Check Nick's donation and perhaps give a tenner yourself HERE
